Sunday 22 April 2012

Self Improvement

“It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all—in which case, you fail by default.  
-J.K Rowling, the author of Harry Potter
I do believe that : " The measure of success can be shown by how many times someone keeps going despite hearing only no." 
The following people are not the only ones who have succeeded despite failure and rejection.
I guess they would be the most interesting to you

People who found success despite failures

Colonel Sanders : The founder of KFC. He started his dream at 65 years old! He got a social security check for only $105 and was mad. Instead of complaining he did something about it.
He thought restaurant owners would love his fried chicken recipe, use it, sales would increase, and he’d get a percentage of it. He drove around the country knocking on doors, sleeping in his car, wearing his white suit.
Do you know how many times people said no till he got one yes? 1009 times!
Albert Eistein: He didn’t speak till he was four and didn’t read till seven. His parents and teachers thought he was mentally handicapped. He only turned out to win a Nobel prize and be the face of modern physics.

Mark Cuban: The billionaire owner of the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks got rich when he sold his company to Yahoo for $5.9 billion in stock. He admitted he was terrible at his early jobs. His parents wanted him to have a normal job. So he tried carpentry but hated it. He was a short order cook but a terrible one. He waited tables but couldn’t open a bottle of wine. He says of his failures,
“I’ve learned that it doesn’t matter how many times you failed,” Cuban says. “You only have to be right once. I tried to sell powdered milk. I was an idiot lots of times, and I learned from them all.”

Thomas Edison: No list of success from failures would be complete without the man who gave us many inventions including the light bulb. He knew failure wouldn’t stop him.

If I find 10,000 ways something won’t work, I haven’t failed. I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward.

There is no success without failure

Decide what is important to you and take huge steps everyday even though it doesn’t seem like it’s working. Success doesn’t happen without failures. It’s reality.
Deal with it.
How bad do you want to achieve your goal? It better be so bad that rejection won’t derail you.
How much do you believe in what you’re doing? Colonel Sanders did despite 1009 rejections!
“Fall down seven times, get up eight.” – Japanese proverb
Let these examples inspire you every day.
Do not let failures becoming a barriers to you instead it is a stepping stones of success.
Keep your courage up because you meant to have the life you love.
All the best readers!! 
 Good luck ya ^^

Friday 20 April 2012

Believe in yourself

Story Sharing 

“My mother sat me down and said, are beautiful to me but must know that you are beautiful for yourself. You should also be aware that true beauty is in the eye of the beholder, which means that how beautiful you are to other people is always going to be subjective to who is looking at you at that time, and since you will always be looking at yourself first, you should find your own beauty and feel good about who you are.” She went on to tell me that I needed to take the time to identify those things that I found to be beautiful about myself but also celebrate what I thought was weird or unusual because those were the special things that God had given to me that made me different from everybody else. I learned how to appreciate, embrace, and enhance those special things so that they would shine rather than be hidden...We learned to love and identify with what made us uniquely beautiful.”

p/s: all of us in this world are unique, it is just we have to believe in ourselves.

Wish you all the best in your life. Keep your courage and
 believe up  always ya.

Melanie's Blog: Life has taught me...

Melanie's Blog: Life has taught me...:
Life has taught me that my attitude determines everything. 
Life has taught me that if you don't let go of the past, you will never appreciate the present.
Life has taught me that through the hardest of times is when you will see the true strength of your soul.
Life has taught me that there is always something to be grateful for. 
Life has taught me that we all have what it takes to make a difference in this world.
Life has taught me that if you don't have your health, you don't have anything, so cherish your body and take care of your soul.
Life has taught me that if you don't believe in yourself, then no one else will.
Life has taught me that change can be good.
Life has taught me that good friends are family.
Life has taught me to always follow my heart and never be afraid to love.
Life has taught me that the simple things in life are actually the most significant.
Life has taught me that you are the secret to your own your success. 
Life has taught me that true wisdom is found in failure and gained through experience.
Life has taught me to always have passion and never stop pursuing your dreams.
✿ܓMelanie Moushigian Koulouris

Thursday 19 April 2012

Thoughts by Ken N McIsaac

Life is thought, and when we cease to think, we are not living. How we think, is the kind of life we live. Since we are able to control our thoughts, we can determine the course of our life and the way we feel during our time here.

"We are what we think." - Buddha (BC)

It is very important to establish good thinking guidelines and follow them. Placing thoughts of peace and happiness in our minds will help to make our lives peaceful and happy. If we do not set our thoughts properly, we travel through life by way of places where we will wish we had not gone.

"It is the mind that maketh good or ill, that maketh wretch or happy, rich or poor." - Edmund Spenser (1552-1599)

Our daily life includes thoughts associated with responsibilities concerning work, other people, and handling problems. If possible, try not to think of too many different things during your day, and don't move or think too quickly. Start your morning with a plan to come through to bedtime relaxed, contented, and ready for a restful night's sleep.

"Your own mind is a sacred enclosure into which nothing harmful can enter except by your permission." - Arnold Bennett (1867-1932)

Reflect about things that can improve your feelings - learning, completing tasks and duties, pleasant and relaxing experiences, kind words. Think about your happiness, goals, life and its pleasures, your principles and your conduct. Think about enjoying the moment.

"Garner up pleasant thoughts in your mind, for pleasant thoughts make pleasant lives." - John Wilkins (1614-1672)

What are you thinking about?



Friday 13 April 2012

Sharing Happiness by Ken N McIsaac

If you aren't happy, why aren't you?

Chances are it is because you want something which you do not have,
 objects or conditions. This is probably not a good enough reason 
and a review of your situation and perceptions may be in order.

You may have seen video of children in very poor countries laughing 
and playing, unconcerned that they should have more to be happy about. 
They are happy because they are playing, because they have their friends
 and family, and some food to eat that day. Everyone has the right to be happy, 
and if they can be in their situation, shouldn't you?

"Happiness consists more in small conveniences of pleasures that occur every day, 
than in great pieces of good fortune that happen but seldom to a man in the 
course of his life." - Ben Franklin (1706-1790)

Happiness is inside us, in our minds, in our thinking. It is not external material
things or experiences, but the enjoyment of our thoughts and feelings.
 This is good because our thoughts, and therefore our happiness, are up to us.

Start by reviewing the things that you have to be happy about and dwell
 on these. Don't overlook the little or basic things that you take for granted.

Make a habit of substituting unhappy thoughts with happy thoughts. 
Whenever an unfavorable picture enters your mind, eject it and replace it with
 a pleasant one. We all have some nice experiences to recollect and there are
 usually little pleasures around us most of the time. You can even imagine
 enjoyable experiences, and it will have a similar positive effect.

"Happiness is like a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our
 grasp, but, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you."  
- Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864)

Establish good principles and conduct yourself according to these
 principles. Love, or at least be tolerant of, your fellow humans. 
Don't strive too hard for that which, in the end, will not make you happier.

From   Ken N McIsaac